CoMap – Cooperative Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Mapping System


EEA Grants 2014-2021 PT – Blue Growth – PT-INNOVATION-0010

DGPM – Directorate-General for Maritime Policy


Project Full Name: CoMap – Cooperative Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Mapping System

Project Code: PT-INNOVATION-0010

Project Start Date: 26/Oct 2020





Within this project, we will develop an end-to-end solution for bathymetric mapping with unmanned vehicles. By deploying both ASVs and AUVs, we build a system that can create seamless maps of water bodies, between shallow and deeper areas. Furthermore, we can exploit the benefits of each system and tackle their limitations.
By thus communicating and cooperating, the unmanned vehicle team will be able to provide seamless and high-quality bathymetric maps at a low cost. The benefits of individual vehicles can be exploited to create one value-added innovative survey system solution.


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